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Nutritional Counselling

Support Groups

Nervous about seeing a nutritionist? Don’t be! A nutrition counseling session may never be like getting a massage, but it doesn’t have to be torture, either. A good nutrition consultation shouldn’t feel like a lecture about what you should be doing, and you shouldn’t feel as though you’re being scolded or judged on your eating habits, either. Rather, we take the time to listen closely and to understand where you are right now in terms of your lifestyle and diet, and work with you to help achieve your goals. Nutrition counseling in DPRO is done by a certified nutrition consultant or a Dietitian. Both nutritionists and dietitians are qualified to create individual action plans to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle. The diet plan is personalized and customized from person to person’s schedule, eating habits, workout plans, and health disorders if any.



While some patients come in for a nutrition consultation to learn more about how their food choices affect their health, others end up in my office at their doctor’s suggestion. The following are just a few of the conditions that can benefit specifically from dietary interventions:
•    Heart disease
•    High blood pressure
•    High cholesterol
•    Allergies
•    Diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions
•    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
•    Celiac disease
•    Obesity or overweight
•    Pregnancy
Agree, arrange and change
The nutritionist and dietitian will be responsible for providing information, options, assisting with choices, educating, training, and implementing the plan. They work with clients to commit to a plan, its time frame, and the demands. The consensus is essential to the success of the dietary plan.
The success of any plan will be determined by the client’s belief in:
•    Readiness to take action
•    Desire to be healthier (perceived severity of the condition)
•    Perceived benefit to the actions to be taken (benefits, psychological aspects, costs, and barriers)

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