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 Corporate Welness


Corporate Wellness is seeing a rise in the workplace. As evidenced by staff being encouraged to make positive choices to contribute to their mental and physical wellbeing. As a result, a less stressed healthier worker means a more productive and loyal employee. So, a no-brainer for companies to introduce corporate wellness. But how do companies get their staff to take part in wellness initiatives? Especially when individuals work and life challenges means not everyone is a willing participant?
It is widely accepted that people who take regular exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle are usually more motivated and energized. Subsequently, the provision of health and fitness facilities in the workplace, be it an office, school, university, or college, brings benefits for both employer and employee. motive specializes in creating bespoke facilities with their expert corporate gym & spa design consultancy expertise.
A quality corporate environment can also help to attract high caliber staff, with exercise in the workplace perceived to be a definitive motivational tool. By enabling employees to easily fit exercise time into their daily routine, not only do they gain immediate health benefits but it can also provide an outlet for stress relief.
It is estimated that more than 13 million workdays a year are lost due to stress-related illnesses. As well as anxiety and depression, stress has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, back pain, skin conditions, sleep deprivation, and gastrointestinal illnesses.
The introduction of frequent physical activity into our lifestyles is one of the best stress-reduction techniques, therefore helping to keep employees feeling healthy, energized, and productive.
Office gyms can be self-funding if the commercial model is well planned from the outset of the project. With just a small contribution from employees, a company can pay back any upfront investment over a relatively short period of time and make a profit, enabling more investment to go into extended employee wellbeing initiatives.
Alongside project consultancy, installation, and maintenance, we can also draw on our wellbeing and fitness expertise to offer inductions, personalized fitness programs, and/or train members of staff at the facility.

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